Site Accessibility and Usability

We use the latest theories and knowledge to optimise the user experience for your customers. Ensuring that most, if not all visitors have the tools they need to navigate your site and access the information they require.

These days it's not enough to produce a site that looks pretty for just one browser, it needs to work efficiently on all. You also need to consider those with disabilities who may not have the dexterity to navigate complicated navigation menus or those with a sight impairment, who require the use of a computer screen reader. Does it read in a logical order for that reader?

Some of the steps we take to ensure accessibiltiy and usability are to:

  • Test your site and navigate on several browsers and tools like: are used to obtain visual screen shots of your site on a variety of browsers.
  • Use of the latest website creation rules to optimise accessibility and usability for all users/visitors to your site.
  • Obtain a wc3 compliance certificate for your home page and CSS (style sheets)